BECOME A COTE DU MIDI AMBASSADORDo you live or work in Greater Narbonne? This app offers many advantages on boat trips, visits, tastings, activities...New offers are offered throughout the year by your tourist office. You will rediscover "your" territory!ENJOY MANY ADVANTAGES+ I visit with my friends, for me its free+ Over the visits, I earn points, medals and… rewards!LIVE PRIVILEGED MOMENTS+ special tours and ambassador challenges+ behind-the-scenes access to iconic sites+ unusual eventsSHARE WITH OTHER CURIOUS+ unlock the secrets of your territory+ share your passionate advice+ become a tester of new activitiesGET THE CARD FROM THE APPThis card is free with a certificate of residence or a work certificate. Once validated, you present the QR Code of the app at the entrance to the sites.Download the app now, become an ambassador!